Our Mission
Wild Goose is a family owned and operated organization dedicated to teaching and learning about healthful and regenerative living practices. From learning how to grow, prepare and preserve nutritious food, to exploring green solutions to conserving energy, to finding adventure and relaxation in a beautiful natural setting, to making art and performing theater, we provide opportunities for you to learn and share practical skills while working collaboratively, thinking ecologically and just plain having fun.
1. We help individuals and communities to transition to a regenerative approach to living by introducing and demonstrating easy, affordable ways to transition to a more sustainable lifestyle beyond recycling.
2. We provide hands-on learning experiences for individuals and groups ages children through adults, drawing on local and regional expertise to increase our individual and collective actions for a healthy and sustainable future.
3. We focus on soil health and replacing carbon-based fuel and products – the most important steps we can take to address global warming and support our own health.
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Why Wild Goose Farm

4. We like to host in beautiful outdoor environments for our multigenerational community events to integrate the healing practices of the creative arts, outdoor activities, discussions and topics on topics of relevance and play.
5. We promote and support local, organic and sustainable businesses, growers and community organizations.
6. You can tell your grandchildren you were part of the solution
"I have rediscovered a piece of me here at Wild Goose. I forgot the thrill of games and laughter for no reason and the magic of childhood. I'm leaving with a smile and a new sense of my child self. I'm beyond grateful for the experience. Thank you for including me in this amazing process. Wild Goose will always hold a special place in my heart."
-Wild Goose Workshop Leader